As mentioned in Bookworms Anonymous, extreme reading is a little recognized sport performed by reading outside. I doubt we'll ever see it in the Olympics, or witness a district extreme reading tournament. It's not really a spectator sport; the reader/performer is the team, the audience and the coach.
Extreme reading exercises the brain and can improve coordination when re-filling lemonade glasses require frequent trips into the house (setting the book down isn't allowed; the extreme reader can walk and read at the same time, navigating stairs and thresholds with ease). After cocktail hour begins and vodka is added to the lemonade, the challenge of extreme reading increases. Barked shins and bruised books serve as evidence of extreme reading while under the influence.
This summer, with its sweltering, sweaty heat (yes, even here in the UP, we're stewing daily in 85+ degree weather), has forced me outside to work on my book. The laptop runs hot, so I set up the extreme nerd outdoor office, consisting of a TV tray table and a shelf with my reference materials stationed at my elbow. We don't have central air conditioning because we would only use it about once every five years, so we seek shade and air movement outside to survive the threat of heat stroke. We dream of blizzards and icicles, hoping the mental images will trick our brains into cooling us off. So far, it isn't working, but at least I'm getting some writing done.
Extreme reading exercises the brain and can improve coordination when re-filling lemonade glasses require frequent trips into the house (setting the book down isn't allowed; the extreme reader can walk and read at the same time, navigating stairs and thresholds with ease). After cocktail hour begins and vodka is added to the lemonade, the challenge of extreme reading increases. Barked shins and bruised books serve as evidence of extreme reading while under the influence.
This summer, with its sweltering, sweaty heat (yes, even here in the UP, we're stewing daily in 85+ degree weather), has forced me outside to work on my book. The laptop runs hot, so I set up the extreme nerd outdoor office, consisting of a TV tray table and a shelf with my reference materials stationed at my elbow. We don't have central air conditioning because we would only use it about once every five years, so we seek shade and air movement outside to survive the threat of heat stroke. We dream of blizzards and icicles, hoping the mental images will trick our brains into cooling us off. So far, it isn't working, but at least I'm getting some writing done.
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