Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bookworms Anonymous Meetings Changing?

At our last Bookworms Anonymous meeting last week, our hostess served crab cakes, a rice & veggie side dish, a killer green salad with apples, and ice cream topped with frozen wild blueberries she picked last year. Then she admitted she'd prefer to revert to serving only hors d'oeuvres, which is what we used to serve before we progressed to gourmet meals. Some of us find it easier to serve appetizers only, while some prefer to just plan an entire meal and serve everything from salad to dessert.

Our new rules: it's hostess's choice, still all vegetarian, and she can just let us know what to expect before the meeting. We might have dessert only on a Sunday afternoon, or have a couple appetizers with a glass of wine, or a full-blown gourmet meal.

I like this new freedom. It makes the meetings more interesting and the hosting less of an obligation. Of course, I already have my next menu planned and it's not my turn to host until June, but on my next next turn (seven months after this June) I just might decide to serve cheesecake only. Maybe I'll add some homemade ginger shortbread. Of course it'll be January by then, so maybe a hearty faux-beef stew would be good with some crusty bread and a green salad. Ooh! I can make the new dressing I just discovered. This is how it happens...there are just too many interesting things to make and serve, and I'll probably never go back to anything simple. I have a whole file of recipes to try just for Bookworms Anonymous.

Looks like I won't be giving up cooking anytime soon.

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