Sunday, October 3, 2010

Authorial Connections

The internet certainly shrinks the world. I just received an email from author Deborah Clearman, who stumbled upon my Bookworms Anonymous website and wanted me to know she thinks the idea of Bookworms Anonymous is fabulous and she has just published a book, which she wants me to review.

I already ordered her book, Todos Santos, and look forward to reading it--check it out by clicking on the link here--the story sounds intriguing and I can't wait to start!

Reading is such a solitary pursuit, it's easy to forget to acknowledge the writer after enjoying a book. I've been trying to post more book reviews on and contact more authors of works I've enjoyed because positive feedback is so energizing and motivating, I'm hoping the authors I contact will immediately return to the computer and start composing another book, bigger and even better than their last. Posting a review is also a way for the reader to connect back to the writer in a personal manner without much effort.

In this age of electronic communication, we should use it to forge new connections and give back a tiny bit to the authors who have affected our lives so profoundly (or even just affected our lives for an afternoon, allowing a brief escape and a good belly laugh).

So read on! Then, take a moment a post a quick review, even if you didn't purchase the book on Amazon.

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